About Me

Hi, I am an ordinary person

We all want to make our lives easy by leaving the technical tasks to paid professionals. We have in our society, lawyers, engineers, brokers and doctors. But when a situation comes when all these advices we get from professionals does not help, we have to take things in our own hand. 

I am one such person who after being obese for 20 years decided to go back to the drawing boards and chart my own course.

This is a story about myself. 

I am not a doctor
I am not a nutritionist
I am not a dietician
I am not a health coach


Programs & Trainings


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Happy Customers

What I Do for Healthy Nutrition?

Diamlorem dapibus montes! Aute corporis natoque proin omnis, scelerisque semper cubilia. Quo tempus veritatis elementum ex ullamco porta litora.