How does gym remove stress – Rest & Digest

How does gym remove stress – Rest & Digest

People visit the gym for various reasons. Weight loss, better posture, healthy lifestyle or even winning over the fair maiden. However there is one reason which nobody talks about, de-stress. It might be initially hard to believe that how come lifting weights or resistance training will de-stress. By the time you finish reading this rather…

Subcutaneous fat, visceral fat and intramuscular fat – understanding their difference

Subcutaneous fat, visceral fat and intramuscular fat – understanding their difference

Each cell in our body is capable of generating it energy like a tiny powerhouse. Raw material for energy production is glucose and fat. Glucose is always available in the blood for regular as well as emergency energy requirement. Fat is more denser and more efficient source of energy. Too much glucose in the blood…

A detailed guide to kidneys – what exactly is the cause of damage and how it occurs
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A detailed guide to kidneys – what exactly is the cause of damage and how it occurs

We have been born and brought up among Hindi movies which have a certain elder father of the bride or hero dying of kidney failure or heart attack. While the percentage of onscreen death due to heart attacks are much higher, kidney failure is not far behind. But the sad part is that 75 years…

Red Blood Cells, Iron, Hemoglobin and Anemia – Everything you wanted to know

Red Blood Cells, Iron, Hemoglobin and Anemia – Everything you wanted to know

Women across all age and income groups in India are at risk of suffering from anemia. So one thing is certain this life threatening condition is not restricted to one group or category. Even though it is a chronic problem, not too many women are aware about it and they continue making mistakes which aggravate…

Understanding the difference in sex hormones of a man and woman

Understanding the difference in sex hormones of a man and woman

Sex hormone in a man and woman is responsible for motivation, drive libido along with the reproductive system. While the male has just one sex hormone to deal with which is testosterone, the women have three. Every 15 minutes testosterone is released in a male body which keeps him at the top of his game…

Anabolism vs. Catabolism – Which exercise is the best

Anabolism vs. Catabolism – Which exercise is the best

Catabolism is the process where large and complex molecules are broken down. Best example of a catabolic process is food digestion. Anabolism is the opposite where you build something say rebuilding of muscles. The correct understanding of anabolic and catabolic process will help you to stay fit and plan for the correct exercise. Of course…