Subcutaneous fat, visceral fat and intramuscular fat – understanding their difference

Subcutaneous fat, visceral fat and intramuscular fat – understanding their difference

Each cell in our body is capable of generating it energy like a tiny powerhouse. Raw material for energy production is glucose and fat. Glucose is always available in the blood for regular as well as emergency energy requirement. Fat is more denser and more efficient source of energy. Too much glucose in the blood…

If you are eating & drinking for pleasure, then you are borrowing happiness from tomorrow

If you are eating & drinking for pleasure, then you are borrowing happiness from tomorrow

There was a time not so long age when no food was stored in the house. Children of 70s & 80s remember that if they were hungry at night, mothers simply told them, you should have eaten during dinner. Now wait till breakfast. Food was cooked fresh and households took time to prepare a meal….

A detailed guide to kidneys – what exactly is the cause of damage and how it occurs
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A detailed guide to kidneys – what exactly is the cause of damage and how it occurs

We have been born and brought up among Hindi movies which have a certain elder father of the bride or hero dying of kidney failure or heart attack. While the percentage of onscreen death due to heart attacks are much higher, kidney failure is not far behind. But the sad part is that 75 years…

Understanding fasting Part 1 – Why it reduces anxiety and stress

Understanding fasting Part 1 – Why it reduces anxiety and stress

Topic of the article might surprise you. Only if you are interested, go on reading. It will require some amount of will power to being with fasting. Definition of anxiety Anxiety is a feeling of worry and fear about every day situations. It is condition of fear or dread as to what will happen next….

The complete guide to hair loss during keto diet and intermittent fasting

The complete guide to hair loss during keto diet and intermittent fasting

If you are new to intermittent fasting you are almost certain to get hair loss. This is unnerving and traumatising, specially for women. Many women come to start intermittent fasting as a last resort after everything else has failed. Then they having to deal with hair loss becomes the main reason for them to leave…

Why eating less and exercising more can never work? Part 2 – You cannot exercise to lose weight

Why eating less and exercising more can never work? Part 2 – You cannot exercise to lose weight

If you are exercising for building up muscles or toning up your body or enhancing endurance, you are on the right path. People even exercise as a stress buster and are pretty successful at it. But if you are exercising to lose weight, then you need to read this article, carefully. We shall first see…

Why eating less and exercising more can never work? Part 1 – The concept of set point

Why eating less and exercising more can never work? Part 1 – The concept of set point

The moment we put on weight, we start eating less and exercising more. This drastic step is more out of guilt than any other scientific logic and reasoning. To make matters worse almost all diet plans out there work on the principle of calorie restrict. Starving is almost definitely on the table. Here is what…