Simple life hack for better living
Many people keep asking me what should be the start point of a healthy lifestyle. So this short article is for those who want that start.
A word of caution – Even though these hack are guaranteed to work, you need to be determined enough to make those lifestyle changes and then be committed to them.
You can make use of all these hacks together or one by one. These hacks are not for a few weeks or months but they have to be a lifestyle change.
Eat, Sleep & Wake Early
This is the most difficult of the hack for Indians. All our social, cultural and sometimes spiritual events happen at late evening or night. A simple get together with family or friends can run till 11 pm. So this hack of eating by 7 pm will be next to impossible. But if you can manage it, you should be ready to sleep by 9 pm.
If you stay in a family which eats late and sleeps late, try to get them together on this decision.
Wake up early and do one physical activity of your choice
Any kind of exercise or activity should be good for you, even if it is just a morning walk. Just remember, soak in enough sun on your skin. That should wake up your body and help with Vitamin D too.
Do not strain or overstretch with exercise. Try to get into a rhythm which does not get you panting.
Be absolutely sure when you want to break-fast
Try to get to delay your breakfast as late as possible. That also means the morning exercise routine will have to be done on an empty stomach. An early dinner means that by 6 am in the morning you would have fasted for more than 10 hours. The moment you eat something, it triggers the release of insulin which is a signal to the body to stop fat burning.
Replace processed food with freshly cooked
If you have a tendency to put on weight, the first place you should look at is intake of ultra processed and packed food. Replace it with food cooked at home and try to eat your meals with family.
Evening activity
Going out in the evening is not a bad idea. It helps to relax and unwind after a long hard day. Melatonin is released in the body four hours after sunset. It helps put the body to sleep. There are a few things which block the functioning of melatonin. Mobile screen, TV screen, bright lights, eating or food in stomach, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and bad news on TV.