
How to unwind after long hours in front of a computer?

Staring for long hours in front of a screen can be tiring. But work from home and putting in those extra hours means you need something really strong to come back fresh the next day. So here is the to do list for those road warriors.

Key Points

1. Sitting long hours for work raises fatigue and stress levels.
2. Evening walk and time spend with family relives stress.
3. Meal by 7pm to 8pm.
4. Intermittent fasting.
5. Low carb and low sugar diet.

Choose your technology well

Eyes are the window to your soul. They are also the means to see the world. You should be utmost caring for them. Do not compromise on screen quality by buying cheap laptops and tablets with a bad screen. They are not only going to ruin your eyes, will increase your stress and fatigue levels unnecessarily. Remember good quality screens cost money. The cost of an Apple laptop is mostly the screen only.

Do not work late into the night

Night is for sleeping. Work on the laptop during the day time. Use night time to sleep. If you are spending lot of day time in front of a screen, use the evening time to take a walk or drive and spend the sleep time with family and sleep early. You may get up as early as you want in the morning.

Get your sleep patterns in order

Sound sleep is directly linked with cell repair, fat burning and stress relief. Whatever is coming in the way of that should be sorted out immediately. Your evening meal should be wrapped up between 7pm and 8pm. Try to avoid situations where dinner is late. Malnutrition in Indian women is a major cause for health issues because of the tradition which they follow of eating last and feeding on leftovers after the family has finished their meals.

Do not watch anything that excites you before you sleep. Action movie, thriller, news or even a game or two. If you are able to catch the first sleep wave you can sleep well into the night.

An evening walk is the best way to overcome stress of the day before you sleep. The next best thing to do is to spend some time with your family right before you sleep.

Take extreme care of your optical nerve

The optical nerve consists of thousands of nerve fibres which transmit visual information from the eye to the brain. High levels of blood sugar might cause damage to these tiny nerve fibres. Excess sugar in the blood makes the red blood cells sticky. An individual red blood cell is small and flexible enough to enter in the tiniest of the blood capillaries. However when sugar is excess in the blood it leads to stickiness of red blood cells. Now the cells bunch up together and become sluggish. They can still flow in the arteries but not the capillaries. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the eye. Lack of oxygen will damage cells and tissues leading to nerve damage and problems in vision. This is why diabetic people have problems with vision.

Regulate your blood sugar with Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting helps regulate production of insulin and works on reversal of insulin resistance. An effective insulin means that glucose is able to enter the body cells. Intermittent fasting also helps cleanse the body of dead cells and tissues. For best results you need to go for a clear 18 hours fasting window.

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