
Why eating less and exercising more can never work? Part 2 – You cannot exercise to lose weight

If you are exercising for building up muscles or toning up your body or enhancing endurance, you are on the right path. People even exercise as a stress buster and are pretty successful at it. But if you are exercising to lose weight, then you need to read this article, carefully. We shall first see…

set point

Why eating less and exercising more can never work? Part 1 – The concept of set point

The moment we put on weight, we start eating less and exercising more. This drastic step is more out of guilt than any other scientific logic and reasoning. To make matters worse almost all diet plans out there work on the principle of calorie restrict. Starving is almost definitely on the table. Here is what…

lose weight

How to lose weight?

Most of the people who gain weight find it so frustrating because not matter what they try, the scales do not bulge. If you are one of them, you have come to the right place. Previously we had seen how you gain weight. So before reading this article, read the previous one to understand the…

gain weight

How do we gain weight – Understanding the body fat mechanism

The most common question bothering humans in a variety of ways is how do we put on weight. We are flooded with remedies from various sources. Drink lots of water. Lemon and honey with warm water in morning is another popular solution floating around on social media. Cumin (jeera) and fenugreek (methi) soaked overnight is…