Fix lifestyle ailments by eating healthy – Metabolic Syndrome

Fix lifestyle ailments by eating healthy – Metabolic Syndrome

Lifestyle ailments are not just because of sedentary lifestyle though it can be a contributing factor. Not eating the right food or eating too much of the wrong variety is the primary cause of metabolic syndrome which leads to lifestyle ailments. Shorter version What are lifestyle ailments or lifestyle diseases? It begins with a hardly…

Insulin resistance – Uric acid – Gout – connections explained

Insulin resistance – Uric acid – Gout – connections explained

In the previous article we explained the myths and facts related to uric acid and gout. However we left out the most interesting fact, insulin resistance is directly responsible for rise in uric acid levels. Hence insulin resistance becomes the number one cause for gout attack. It is perhaps the only reason for a gout…

How do we gain weight – Understanding the body fat mechanism

How do we gain weight – Understanding the body fat mechanism

The most common question bothering humans in a variety of ways is how do we put on weight. We are flooded with remedies from various sources. Drink lots of water. Lemon and honey with warm water in morning is another popular solution floating around on social media. Cumin (jeera) and fenugreek (methi) soaked overnight is…

What is insulin?

What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. It performs some important functions in our body primarily insertion of glucose in cells. Insulin resistance renders the cells incapable of repairing themselves leading to diabetes. What is a hormone? Hormones are molecules that travel through the blood. They are messengers between organs (also called glands) and…